

I am originally from Milan, Italy, where I studied Architecture and Design, and where I established my first Design studio, working as Creative Director for more than 10 years. I moved to Bali, Indonesia in 2006 where I live since then. 
I became a certified Kundalini yoga teacher in 2015 and trained for second level “Conscious Communication” and “Authentic Relationships”. Kundalini Yoga has become my daily practice and a fundamental part of my spiritual journey. I consider this Yoga one of the most powerful technology to integrate my spiritual journey into my every day practice.
I approached for the first time the Art of Kinbaku in 2019. I have been practice this rope art privately and as a teacher at IN.ROPESThis art brought me to deeper levels of intimacy and connection in a playful, however profound way.

Balance it is not a static state, on the contrary is the ability to run with the flow of existence, the accuracy of floating above the surface of consciousness. It is indeed an art, the art of living a mundane existence embracing a spiritual reality. 

> Ready for the co-creation of the WORKSHOP play & touch in Bali ~ from the 21st till 23rd may 2021

I'm popup nr. 1

~ keep in TOUCH

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